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Air Dector Product Line

(氣體檢測產品系列)美國Morphix Tech


Air Purifier Product Lines 



  • 除甲醛
  • 除二甲苯
  • 除異味產品
  • 多功能淨化器


Each person who uses formaldehyde as a regular part of their job must have their exposure monitored periodically, according to OSHA regulations.
There are two conditions that must be met to comply with the OSHA Standards for personal exposure in the workplace. First, the concentration for an 8 hour period must be less than 0.75 ppm. Second, the maximum exposure during any 15 minute interval must be less than 2.0 ppm. There is also an “action level” at 0.5 ppm for an 8 hour period. Above the action level more frequent monitoring is needed to avoid the need for protective equipment and for medical testing.
据OSHA的规定,每一个日常工作使用甲醛的人,都必须定期监测他们的暴露情况。 为了遵守职业安全标准,必须满足两个条件。首先,8小时的浓度必须小于0.75 ppm。第二,在任何15分钟间隔内的最大曝光率必须小于2.0 ppm。在8小时的时间内,也有一个“行动水平”,即0.5 ppm。在行动层面上,需要更频繁的监测来避免对保护设备和医疗检查的需要